Digital Marketing Social Media

Keep engagement high with the right post length.

The truth about perfect post times, perfect post lengths, video strategy, image optimization, posting frequency, etc.  The real truth about all of this is that there are no definitive “rules” as such. What works for your brand, and your audience, may not have any impact at all for another business. The truth is that what […]

Digital Marketing Social Media Trends

Regional and Vernacular Content – Digital Marketing’s new Mantra

A report on television viewership by E&Y reveals that growth is being led by regional TV channels, even as the latest Indian readership survey highlights the boom in regional print media markets. As regional content gains traction, it was only a matter of time before this trend also pervaded the digital realm. As internet penetration […]

Social Media TikTok

TikTok is now the most preferred Social Platform in India

TikTok is taking over the Internet, fast becoming a place where creators unheard of are going viral and giving rise to a new generation of social media stars. The short-form video platform has become incredibly popular globally for its snacky viral videos, which range from 15 second to a minute.  According to San Francisco-based tech […]

Digital Marketing Social Media Trends YouTube

First Indian song to hit 1 Billion views – ‘Laung Laachi’

‘Laung Laachi’, title song of the Punjabi film Laung Laachi (2018), became the first Indian song video to hit the one-billion-views mark last month. Numbers are all the rage these days. From Rs100 crore films to Rs500 crore collections at the box office, the world of cinema has become obsessed with records. With social media […]

Digital Marketing Influencer Legal Social Media

Social media influencers, freedom of speech and trademark disparagement

On 15 January, the Bombay High Court allowed a request by FMCG giant Marico Limited for an interim injunction against vlogger Abhijeet Bhansali, requiring him to take down a video in which he reviews Parachute Coconut Oil – which the company claims made disparaging remarks about their product. “Social Media influencers, whether their audience is […]

Influencer Social Media Trends Vigo

Vigo superstar from Bengal goes missing. Controversy brings more users to the app.

Chinese app Vigo, a video social media portal viral in India’s hinterland, has come into headlines with one of its local stars allegedly going missing. Pratima Mondal, 21, known as Jasmine on Vigo, has 4 lakh followers on the app. The West Bengal native was reported missing by her husband earlier this month after she allegedly went […]

Celebrity Endorsement Digital Marketing Influencer Social Media

How a smart brand owner used her celeb clients to build her brand of ‘juttis’

Shirin Mann Sangha, founder of Needledust, claims to be an accidental entrepreneur. After completing her masters in journalism from Cardiff University in the UK, she came back to India and took up a job as an investigative journalist in a start-up. “I wanted to be an investigative journalist. I love writing. I still write. I […]

Influencer Social Media Trends

Rise of the “social media teacher”: the ups and downs of being ‘edu-famous’

Many of the issues arising from the increased use of digital technology in schools aren’t particularly new. For example, current calls to ban smartphones from schools often forget that this isn’t the first time that students have been distracted in class. Similarly, issues of cyberbullying and online cheating are certainly not novel behaviours. However, the […]

Social Media

Can social media overuse lead to poor decision-making?

Is social media addictive? Really, truly addictive? Is it so compelling and rewarding for some excessive users that it affects behaviour and choices in “real” life, like substance abuse and gambling? This is the idea a Monash University researcher is helping develop internationally. Professor Antonio Verdejo-Garcia is from Monash’s Turner Institute For Brain and Mental […]

Facebook Social Media Trends

India’s new privacy bill and how it may affect Social Media.

India’s proposed new privacy bill may require large social media platforms to offer an identify-verification option, a potentially precedent-setting effort to rein in the spread of “fake news”, two government sources told Reuters. The requirement would likely raise a host of technical and policy issues for companies including Facebook and its WhatsApp and Instagram units, […]